It never occurred to me about how lucky I have been as a Backstreet Boys fan until yesterday. I knew I was lucky, but I never realized just HOW lucky and how appreciative I’ve been that I have been able to experience the real Backstreet experience.
Seeing fans at the airport in Argentina (see the video by clicking here) who may have never seen the boys before, it made me realize how privileged I’ve been. I have been lucky and I have gotten to do things I never imagined when I thought the blonde guy on stage at Grad Nite in 1998 was cute and had a really good voice. I’m sort of a different kind of fan. I didn’t grow up as a child, preteen, or teenager really with the Backstreet Boys, so I never thought in a million years I would have experienced all that I have experienced. But I can imagine what fans who grew up loving them for 21, 22 years, feel, seeing them for the first time.
When I was nine, a new country singer from Oklahoma released his first single, “Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)”. His name was Garth Brooks and for years I loved him. From middle school to high school to college, to now. He was unreachable to me. I saw him in concert once in 8th grade and had nosebleed seats. But I was able to meet him last fall. I got to tell him he was my hero. And he wanted a selfie with me. I sort of feel the same way with New Kids on the Block. Meeting them for the first time I was a nervous wreck because I never dreamed it would happen after 25 years of becoming a fan.
And it’s true. Because of the boys and going to events, we’ve been able to meet other friends who become friends when things have nothing to do with Backstreet Boys. I met my best friends because of the Backstreet Boys. I was lucky enough to get to express how he and the Backstreet Boys have changed my life to Nick on two separate occasions, the last in 2013. Most fans never get to do that.
So this week in Argentina, like in Israel this year, fans are getting to experience one of the greatest moments in their fangirl (or fanboy) lives. While some of us in the countries the boys are not touring in this year may miss them and want shows, think about the fans who haven’t seen them in six or seven years. Or never. Some fans are getting their first Backstreet Boys concert. I know I have sounded selfish or rude before about things, but seeing the video tonight put it in perspective for me.
And now, read some thoughts from other staff members of Boys on the Block and some from readers on Twitter:
Stephanie (@steph_ktbspa)
Because I’ve met some of the most amazing girls because of them and meeting them has filled a dream that I never thought would ever come true.
Hannah (@writerbrat)
Meeting the guys helped me with my confidence levels. I know that sounds dumb but I’ve always been quiet/shy and over time getting to meet them I’ve learned a few things that the more embarrassing or outrageous your experience is, the more they’ll remember it. Also, it makes for better retelling value. Sharing VIP experiences with people has given me topics to fallback on. Everyone loves “that time I met a celebrity and my mom castrated him” stories. I know that is kind of a weird reason to be thankful for meeting them but it is one of the many things that BSB has done for me that has meant so much to me. They’re like older brothers to me, the way I think of them, and it’s really easy to think everyone has had that opportunity to interact with them and feel this way… I am really grateful for everything that has happened BSB wise in my life; friends, experiences, everything.
Barb (@ClanCarter)
You know, seeing all these videos where our boys are stuck in a crowd of thousands screaming, excited fans, makes you think about how lucky you are. I got the chance to meet them multiple times and I interact with them on twitter. I had to wait almost 20 years to finally meet them and I don’t regret a single choice I made to follow them, basically all over the world.
I’ve learned to see them as human beings, now that I got to meet them. But before I did it, the Backstreet Boys were just these out of reach, worldwide famous celebrities. My childhood heroes.
Now I talk to nick as if he’s my friend. I’m still not completely comfortable when he’s around, but we’re working on that. Mike knows me and everytime it’s like meeting a cool friend.Never in a million years would I’d have thought to meet them, to hug them, to talk to them. And these guys never complain. They always try to do their best to make us all happy. We cry, we scream, we chase them, we blind them with our camera flashes. We act like annoying 15 years old schoolgirls, because that’s how they make us feel and they never complain. These guys are our happiness and sometimes we forget how blessed we are to see them this often.
Ogla (@Wicked_Lady05)
Back in 2011 was my very first VIP experience and my VERY first time I met them (during the NKOTBSB tour). Afterwords…I did many more events & VIPs that I had the preview in meeting SOO MANY friends who I consider brothers/sisters. It was because of BSB that I met every single one of you…and for that I would always be thankful. I guess you can say that I’m very appreciative of all the VIPs/Events/Shows BSB has done that I attended..because of these I created memories with BSB…and most important…with my brothers & sisters! I cant wait to create more and meet new faces…hopefully at the next BSB Cruise 2016!
Quotes from Twitter Followers:
@_BoysOnTheBlock Took me 15 yrs to meet them but they sure as hell didn’t disappoint! They were just as sweet as I thought!
— Noora Syrjälä (@Noora_S) June 17, 2015
@_BoysOnTheBlock I am grateful for meeting the boys because it has been my dream finally coming true to say I appreciate your music and to
— Vanessa Dasilva (@Brok_Vanessa21) June 17, 2015
@_BoysOnTheBlock get that interaction and love that you know each boy in the group generally has for you as a fan. — Vanessa Dasilva (@Brok_Vanessa21) June 17, 2015
@_BoysOnTheBlock if you had told me when I was 7 years old that I’d be meet the boys someday, I wouldn’t have believed you. Took me 19 years
— Andie (@AndieYammine) June 17, 2015
@_BoysOnTheBlock but they were totally worth the wait! — Andie (@AndieYammine) June 17, 2015