Video: Remember when @NickCarter was on Punk’d with @TommyLee?

by | Jun 14, 2015 | Videos | 0 comments

Nick Carter filmed an episode of “Punk’d” in the summer of 2003 with Tommy Lee and things didn’t go as he expected when he went through his run through to help punk friend (and Motley Crue drummer) Tommy Lee. Check out a tease to the video below of what happened and Ashton Kutcher using the iconic line, “What’s up with ‘ghetto fab’ Nick Carter?”

A video posted by (@botbblog) on Jun 14, 2015 at 11:49am PDT


We couldn’t upload the entire video, but… Want to download this? Click here!

Note: Funny story… this was filmed right before I met Nick and the nipple rings in question were shown to my friend and I.  Nick’s father kept telling us Tommy Lee was going to be with him and the ’80s rock girl in me got way too excited. But he wasn’t with Nick. #TrueStory #WeirdButTrue

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