Video: This day in @BackstreetBoys history: April 29, 2012

by | Apr 29, 2015 | History, Videos | 0 comments

On April 29, 2012 in London at the O2 Arena three very important things happened.

Well, four if you count the webcast.

First off, we found out the boys would be back in London in July to start work on their next album, which ended up being called “In A World Like This.”

Secondly, we found out OFFICIALLY that Kevin Richardson was coming back to the band. It had been speculated for months, since before the 2011 Backstreet Boys cruise which Kevin joined in the Bahamas for a day. (Thank you Kevy Kev for coming back!)

And lastly, we found out that Alexander James McLean, the bad boy of the group, was going to be a Daddy and he called it – he and Rochelle had a little girl.

Let’s just say, April 29th will never be the same.

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