22 reasons why I love the @BackstreetBoys (by @Princess_Karah)

by | Apr 14, 2015 | Thoughts, Top Lists | 1 comment

For the Backstreet Boys’ 22nd anniversary, each of us girls will tell exactly why we love the boys. For me, my reasons might be a little different.

But here are 22 reasons why I love the best-selling boy band of all time.

1. Having been in so many fan clubs and met so many celebrities, especially singers, the boys are the nicest to their fans.

2. The “Just Want You To Know” music video. My Backstreet Boys and love for ’80s rock coming together. YES!

3. The “NKOTBSB” tour and recording a song with New Kids on the Block.

4.  The conversational mix of “All I Have To Give.” Yes baby, my name is Kev… and I’ll give you all I have to give. Yes baby…. no diggity.

5. The people they have working with them – Jenn, Mike, Keith, Drew, Josh, and especially Justin. And let’s not forget Q. #RIP

6. AJ and his screaming of “Good God” during “Get Another Boyfriend.”

7. Frick and Frack.

20141025_051844630_iOS8. AJ McLean was the first Backstreet Boy I thought I had a lot in common with. We were both raised by single mothers and practically raised by our grandmother and both went down a downward spiral after their deaths. We’ve battled addictions and depression and dealt with father issues. I’ll always hold him close to me for that reason.

9. Brian Littrell lives in Georgia. I live in Georgia. He loves the Georgia Bulldogs. I live in the town of Georgia Bulldogs. He likes country music. And I too like country music.

10. I sweet talked the venue where I used to work as a concert photographer to get Backstreet Boys there and they did on their “This Is Us” tour. Backstreet Boys came to Valdosta, Ga. I had front row center tickets, backstage access, got the rose from Nick AND got paid at the same time to take photos. Best. Job. Ever.

11. Howie Dorough always stops in Valdosta to eat at the Japanese steakhouse place off of I-75. This amused me when he told me that in an interview once. And his dad is originally from southern Georgia.

20140714_024310000_iOS12. Whether it’s one of the guys, their management, or GroundCtrl/Wonderful Union, there is always someone awesome behind @BackstreetBoys. And they have shown me and this site a great amount of love. That makes my heart swell with pride.

13. The boys all know and love Llama. While Llama actually belongs to Hannah, it has become a mascot for Boys on the Block. Justin loves the llama and so does AJ and Kevin. We think Nick might be the only one who doesn’t have any feelings for Llama, but one day, he will.

14. If it weren’t for the Backstreet Boys, I would not have my best friends. It’s because of them that I have some of the greatest fans that a girl could ever ask for. It’s because of them that I have people I can confide in.


Just a few of them! Missing is obviously Lisa.


15. The Backstreet Boys made me realize the passion for writing that I had deep inside, but never really bothered to tackle it. Sure, it was because of fan fiction, but it led me to where I am today.

kevykev16. Kevin Richardson, since coming back to the group, has stolen my heart in more ways than one. I’ll admit, I have the boys ranked from favorite to least favorite, but now a days, it’s hard to do that. Sure, Nick is usually number one, but some days, Kevin Scott Richardson can give him a run for his money. Especially now that he has become, what I like to call, DOB Kevin. Dirty old… Kevin’s dirty. LOL!

17. Nothing has had this much control over me, especially a band. Even though I’ve been a New Kids on the Block fan for three quarters of my life, nothing can compare to my loyalty to Backstreet Boys.

18. I love when the boys play instruments, especially Nick and Brian on the guitar.

19. “Shape of My Heart.” That’s all.

111120. Nickolas Gene Carter… my favorite Backstreet Boy. He’s the boy that I met first and the one that I’ve had the most interactions with and only one other of my favorite singers remembers my name and that’s a guy from my hometown and that name is in one of his songs. We literally kind of grew up together and I love having someone that’s exactly my age to “fangirl” over and now just crack up laughing with. I was there in the bad times and thankful that I’m here during the good times. Even at what he considers his “worst,” he was always amazing to me and made me feel like I was the only fan around. However, I don’t like the fact that he gave me mono once.

21. Backstreet Boys Cruises! I have been on two and I do not plan on missing one ever again. They are seriously the best times because not only are you seeing the boys every single day (and for the most part, most of the day), you are with your friends if you’re lucky enough to have them on the ship.

22. I love them for performing at Grad Nite at Walt Disney World May 1, 1998… if they hadn’t performed, if Brian had had his heart surgery a week earlier, I would have never saw them perform and I wouldn’t have become a fan when I did. They came into my life when I needed something new and when I needed some changes. It was just a few weeks before high school graduation and I needed that something extra to catapult me into adult life. The boys as a group, especially Nick, saved my life.

That’s why I love the Backstreet Boys.

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