Fashion: @Brian_Littrell’s top 7 looks over the years

by | Apr 7, 2015 | Brian Littrell, Top Lists | 0 comments


Brian Littrell hasn’t had that many looks over the years. He’s the one Backstreet Boy who hasn’t had any drastic hairstyle changes or gone a little crazy with his clothing.

But nonetheless, he has changed it up on occasion.

These are seven of Brian Littrell’s top seven looks over the years.


1. “In A World Like This” Brian
Like his cousin Kevin, Brian looked amazing throughout the entire “In A World Like This” tour. His new haircut, where it’s shaved on the sides and a little poof/fluff on top looked great on his slimmer face. Even Nick agrees. Look how happy is to be next to him in the photo.



2. “Never Gone” Brian Littrell
During the “Never Gone” days, Brian Littrell was on top of his game. In this photo from the NG photo shoot, the black newsboy hat, along with the watch, black shirt and just a peek of that blue eye peeking out.




3. Brian Littrell the boyfriend/fiancee
During this stage, Brian’s hair was a little blonder, almost matching that of Leighanne in a way. And the blonde looked good on him! He’s kind of brought that back for the “In A World Like This” tour.




4. Corn Cob Brian Littrell
Let’s face it, they were trying to make him look silly and stupid in this “As Long As You Love Me” get up, but it didn’t work. Brian looked hot… which only means he should have stolen AJ’s cowboy hats back in the day and worn them more often.  Oh and leather jackets.



5. Millennium Brian Littrell
During the “Millennium” days, Brian’s hair was more brown, a little curly and he had that sweet boy next door look. And in this photo, dressed all in white, he looks like an angel sent down from Earth because we all need him.



6. Half Werewolf / Half Brian Littrell
You have to admit that even with the hair extensions in this transformation to the werewolf in the “Everybody” video that maybe Brian Littrell should have grown his hair out a little and maybe had a “stage” like Kevin and Howie did.



7. Scruffy Brian Littrell
Do I need to express anymore feelings or comments other than just showing you this AWESOME picture? Scruffy Brian. Scruffy Brian. Scruffy Brian. Scruffy Brian.


What are your favorite Brian looks over the years?

This post is a part of #ProjectKFC week at BOTB.

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