Audio: @Krbe in Houston Share Reactions over @ZaynMalik’s Departure

by | Mar 26, 2015 | Opinion, Videos | 0 comments

We know all over the world, these past couple of days, the media has been going crazy with the news of Zayn Malik leaving One Direction. On March 26th, a local radio station in Houston, Texas – 104.1 KRBE – discussed the many reactions that they are hearing about and opened up the lines to hear from a couple of listeners.

I am not a 1D fan, but as a fan of the Backstreet Boys I experienced Kevin Richardson leaving the group back in 2006. For me, it was very difficult as he was my favorite, but I was still a fan of the Boys. To this day, everytime I hear the “Unbreakable” album I swear I hear Kevin singing parts because I can’t get over that he ever left.

It is hard to accept the fact, One Direction-ers, but stay true & stick with the remaining group, show support. Not only is it a hard time for the fans, but even more difficult for the members of the group.

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