#throwbackthursday @KevinRichardson’s April Fools!

by | Mar 19, 2015 | Throwback Thursday, Videos | 0 comments

So, April 1st is just another couple of weeks away. Don’t let those Boys try and fool you, because you know they’re going to! Kevin Richardson got me good back in 2003.

APRIL 1ST 2003 – On this day, my favorite Backstreet Boy was guest hosting Total Request Live (TRL) on MTV! I was 18 and had been a fan for five years, at the time. There were posters covering my wall, I had been to three concerts, was big on fan fiction, even had my own fan page(s) .. just an all around huge fan!

I was getting ready for work and as I stood there drying my hair, Kevin is on the screen talking about how he was there to clear up any Backstreet rumors. The studio gets quiet and as he continues, Kevin has that quiver in his voice – you know it! Backstreet Boys are splitting up?!

After this bombshell is dropped in comes a music video. Doesn’t Kevin know hit and runs are a crime? I am crying & freaking out. I began instant messaging friends (IMs .. Throwback enough for you?) .. I was so upset! After the video plays he comes back on with “APRIL FOOLS!” I probably would have laughed if it didn’t scare me so bad. But I will never forget the day.

Backstreet Boys, you will not get me this year!


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