5 times @NickCarter somehow has showed up randomly in my every day life

by | Mar 19, 2015 | Top Lists | 1 comment

Every fangirl can tell you that sometimes things just happen that leads you back to the boys. It can be a commercial. It can be hearing a song that reminds you of an after party or either a moment on a cruise.

As a professional journalist, there have been times that things have happened for me to giggle and snap a photo. Other times, it’s just random things that make me snort and take a picture to send to a friend.

Here is five times that Nick Carter has snuck into my life, whether I wanted him to or not.

1. Last name. I was only supposed to type Cart. Carter. Four letters. Somehow it became Carter.

2. Baby names. Often times baby names can lead back to the boys, but this one was interesting. Kevin’s son’s name and Carter… with a K.

3. Headlines. Just before election day, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal and nominee Jason Carter hit the campaign trail… one more time. *shakes head*

A photo posted by Karah-Leigh (@karahleigh) on Nov 3, 2014 at 5:55pm PST


4. Can’t leave home without him. I can’t leave Atlanta to head north without seeing this… Cartersville. Because Nick really does need his own town.

A photo posted by Karah-Leigh (@karahleigh) on Jun 14, 2014 at 11:01am PDT


5. He’s everywhere! Coming out of the After Party for the Backstreet Boys’ Tuscaloosa concert back in 2013, Hannah and I were burning up (no pun intended). Then we saw this.

A photo posted by Karah-Leigh (@karahleigh) on Aug 28, 2013 at 1:56am PDT


Does Nick, or even one of the other boy, always show up in your everyday life, whether it’s the smallest thing?

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