News: Sony Music gets @NSync, Leslie Carter tapes back from Lou Pearlman case

by | Mar 18, 2015 | News | 0 comments


According to the Orlando Sentinel, Sony Music will have hundreds of studio master tapes returned to them after eight years of being in a legal struggle with bankruptcy investigators.

The tapes in question are from artists such as N Sync, LFO, C-Note, Innosence, Mandy Moore and the late Leslie Carter.

Among the ‘N Sync recordings is the master tape of “God Must Have Spent (A Little More Time On You).”

This comes just five months after the Backstreet Boys were able to get many of their tapes and CD’s back in their possession, along with payment money.

Interesting Note: The article says there was a rapper named C-Note that has recordings, but Pearlman also had a boy band (a Latino) one named C-Note.

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