Thoughts: An open letter to @InTouchWeekly

by | Mar 16, 2015 | Opinion, Thoughts | 0 comments

Of all of the “celebrity propaganda” magazines on the racks these days, I’ve found myself drawn to InTouch only because they’re the title that has covered most of the major events in recent Backstreet Boys history – including Nick Carter’s wedding last April and also the Nick & Knight Tour in September. I have appreciated InTouch’s style in those articles, the way they’ve respectfully handled such important times, allowing the Boys to maintain a level of privacy that most of the “rags” in the industry do not. I feel that the Boys themselves have recognized to a certain level this respect that has been granted them from InTouch as they’ve allowed the magazine to cover these events, returning to them time and again to deliver the exclusives to the fans.

However, tonight all that respect has been shattered.

I’m extremely disappointed in InTouch magazine for not only publishing but full out promoting a documentary about Lou Pearlman, founder of the Backstreet Boys and several other boy bands from the 1990s. The revelations that are allegedly being made in this documentary are of extremely private matters. Sexual abuse is NOT something that should be made public by anybody except those who have suffered the attacks, and is in no way the business of InTouch magazine or the creators of the documentary.

If you feel the need to publicize this documentary and the information included therein, there are plenty of boy band members who willingly stepped up in the Vanity Fair article a few years ago who you can throw the spotlight on. Nick Carter has repeatedly denied claims of any sexual abuse from Lou Pearlman. Whether there is evidence against his statement of denial does not matter. I don’t care who says that Nick’s statements of denial may be false – even if it is his “mother”, Jane Carter. It is NOT for InTouch to be splashing across their website.

It is a human right to be able to have privacy. Yes, Nick is a public figure but he is also a human being and he deserves to be respected. IF this information is true, then it is Nick’s choice whether it is publically shared — NOT yours or anyone else’s.

It is Nick’s alone.

Pouring allegations of sexual abuse across your page is not only hurtful and disrespectful, but I feel it is a form of bullying.

We at Boys on the Block respect Nick Carter too much to post more about this documentary and the claims that InTouch are promoting about the relationship between Nick Carter and Lou Pearlman. I will be personally boycotting InTouch magazine for it’s blatant disrespect and I hope that other readers of BOTB and fans of Nick Carter will, too.

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