How to watch the @BackstreetBoys movie if you can’t make it to the theatre @BSBTheMovie

by | Jan 23, 2015 | News | 1 comment


For a lot of people, the Backstreet Boys documentary “Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of” isn’t making it to a theatre near you. Those of us that are lucky enough to get a sneak peek feel very privileged, especially since a regular showing is only coming to a handful of cities.

Here are several ways that you can watch it. We do not know if this will work for those across the world, but at least they will for the ones in the U.S.

directtv1. ON DEMAND

If you have any decent cable or satellite television, there is something called On Demand. You can rent movies in the comfort of your own home for a few dollars instead of going out and renting them or sometimes, without going to the movies. The Backstreet Boys movie will be shown on On Demand starting on Friday, Jan. 30th.

For me, since I have DirectTV, I can go ahead and log into my account online, search for Backstreet Boys and the movie will pop up. You can go ahead and set it to record so that it will automatically go to your playlist on Friday after it is released.

If you have something other than DirectTV, there should be a place on your cable/satellite where you can do a search. Search for Backstreet Boys and the movie should show up.  The other cable services the movie will be available on are Comcast, Time Warner Cable, VerizonFIOS, COX, Charter, AT&T U-Verse, Mediacom, Insight, RCN, Optimum, Dish Network, Armstrong, Rogers, Shaw, Cocego Cable and East Link TV.




Obviously it’s very well known the movie will be available to download on iTunes in either HD or SD, but you will also be available to buy it on Amazon Instant Video in both HD and SD where you can download it.

The movie will also be available on YouTube to rent. It’s a normal process and you can use your PayPal account to pay for the rental. When I rented “The Interview” on YouTube, I had the movie access for 48 hours. It usually works the same way on VuDu, a streaming rental company that works with Walmart.

For the gamers, the movie will be available to rent on the Playstation network and XBox Live.

As always, follow @BSBTheMovie, @BackstreetBoys  for the latest information and keep up with us at @_BoysOnTheBlock on Twitter.

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