2014 In Review: It was a very @BackstreetBoys year for @Princess_Karah

by | Dec 29, 2014 | Year in Review | 0 comments

While 2013 was a mixture of a Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block year, 2014 belonged to the Backstreet Boys (and Nick and Knight).  Heck, all of the things below, except for one, has to do with the Backstreet Boys or a Backstreet Boys member.

What can I say? I love those boys!

Shot of my column from January where I discussed Nick and Jordan's project for the first time.

Shot of my column from January where I discussed Nick and Jordan’s project for the first time.

1. Webcasting with Nick & Jordan

The year started off with me reporting in my fangirling column at work about the secret project that Nick Carter was doing and reporting that it was with Jordan Knight. I even said that they should name themselves Nick at Knight. I was close, huh? That resulted in being asked to join them on the GMA Google Plus chat and the Huffington Post chat later that morning. (Ignore me and Nick bantering, it’s what we do with one another. And I talk with my hands when I’m nervous. I wasn’t nervous because of the boys, but because I like to be behind the camera. And I had no sleep.)



2. Birthday tweets

I’m not one to celebrate my birthday too often but 2014 was special. I got to spend the afternoon with Julia and Mel shopping and before that I got tweets from Lauren Kitt-Carter and Joey McIntyre wishing me a happy birthday before a special tweet from the Backstreet Boys. Then while I was on the way to the mall to meet up with Julia and Mel, Mr. Carter tweeted me. He always tweets me when I’m driving. It was a great day.

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3. Work related tweets from the boys

I’ve gotten a few work related tweets from the boys this year. The Backstreet Boys tweeted my work account, that I’m no longer using (using my Princess one instead) to thank me for my column back in April. Wahlburger’s tweeted me to talk about my column where I mentioned the show starting. Nick even tweeted out my CD review for “Nick & Knight.”


Howie, Hannah, Llama, Nick, Karah and AJ in Cincinnati in June at the after party.

Howie, Hannah, Llama, Nick, Karah and AJ in Cincinnati in June at the after party.

4. Cincinnati

Because the Backstreet Boys didn’t come to Georgia, Florida, or anywhere around here, I ended up going to Cincinnati with Hannah, Julia and Angie. There I met up with several girls online and got to attend the after party. During the concert I held up a sign for Q that AJ motioned at and a sign for Howie about his “wood” during the acoustic performance that lead Nick to being jealous for a few months. During the afternoon, I got my first real selfie with AJ and got one with Howie. I also smacked Nick for calling me a hacker.


A video posted by Karah-Leigh (@karahleigh) on Jun 6, 2014 at 3:32pm PDT


5. Interviewing Lauren

I got the opportunity thanks to VH1 and Lauren herself to interview the new Mrs. Carter for my column at work in regards to “I Heart Nick Carter.” I had met her before, so I was comfortable talking with her and she was as awesome as usual. I think maybe she was a little more laid back since I was a reporter that knew all the typical questions and I wanted it to be about her and not just Nick. She was awesome and gave me a big hug when she saw me in Nashville. I didn’t even have to tell her who I was. The haters can step to the left. Seriously, she’s awesome.laureninterview


Ghetto fab King Nick and Giddy Princess Karah

6. Nick and Knight in Nashville

Julia, Hannah and I attended Nick and Knight’s first concert together in Nashville, along with several awesome girls including Tina and Kim. We had to all stake our claim for the front but the girls in line were awesome for the most part. Our soundcheck was long because it was their first show and we all ended up front row. The concert was awesome… and I was glad that I actually ended up going because it was a rash decision when we bought the tickets when they first went on sale. We saw Lauren after the concert and got to talk to her for a few minutes and then we were on our way. I totally messed up my picture though. I had the first VIP and got Nick a crown to wear which he was all excited about and I told him I wanted a ghetto fab picture, but he kept hugging me and I totally forgot when we went to take a picture and I smiled. LOL!

7. Garth Brooks

It might not be boy band related, but in a way it is because if it weren’t for Garth Brooks, after New Kids on the Block broke up, my love of music might have died with them. I was invited to attend a press conference in Atlanta and was lucky enough to ask him a question, and then he pretty much interviewed me, asking me a few questions. At the end, he jumped down and asked for my camera, telling someone to take a picture of us together. Then we took a selfie. He gave me a hug and made sure I had tickets for his Atlanta concerts, which I did. Dream. Come. True.


8. Nick and Knight in Atlanta


I seriously love this picture.

Julia, Amy and I ended up at the front of the line for the Atlanta concert, mostly due to my obsession with being up front and plus the weather probably kept some people away from lining up outside. I met up with a few people that I knew at the concert and got to see our favorite boys, Justin and Mike, yet again. We were let inside for the VIP and instantly Nick came over to hug Julia. Then he started telling us we could ask him questions and kept looking at me. Finally I asked why he kept looking at me and his response: “Because I know you…” HA! I let others ask questions for a few minutes before finally asking about his “Love Somebody” dance and what he was going to wear for ABC night on the Backstreet Boys cruise.

We ended up front row again and had so much interaction that night it was unreal. And the best part of it was… it was streamed online so we have it on video forever and ever. We got sung to in almost every song, with Nick singing to Julia during “Paper” and me during “I Got You.” (Here’s video of “I Got You” from Julia.) Then Jordan Knight decided to give it to me during “Give It To You.” It was the best concert that I have ever seen. After the show we had a quickie and the next morning I woke up to see that Nick had added me to the Cartel which he had been teasing me about for weeks and Lauren even tweeted me and told me she’d make sure I was in. Not that he’s doing anything with it now, but it’s nice to be special to be included.


9. We’re on a boat… BSB Cruise 2014

The cruise is a whole other post in itself. Hannah, Mara, Julz and I had the best time. I got to meet fellow BOTB girls Mary and Chrissy and got to hang out with a bunch of my friends like Kim and Tina from Nashville and Katie and we met a lot of new friends. Plus, you know, the boys. Llama V. 1 had his swan song with Justin and everybody wanted their picture with him. I got solo pictures with a bunch of the guys. I got selfies with everybody but Brian, but Mara and I played volleyball with him, so that’s okay. I got to ask Nick a question at the Q&A about going back to school on their hometown trips. I had some problems with my foot, but I tried not to let that ruin my fun.

The most epic part of the trip though had to be ABC night, the last night of the cruise. I had zero f**ks to give on how I looked in my ABC outfit and wig and just went with it. In fact, I wore it to the Q&A and headed straight outside to the deck to get a good spot with all the girls and we all ended up in the front and had the best views of the night. Plus afterwards, I got to talk to AJ for a few minutes and thank him for the interview he did for the site with Mary and myself. I met so many people on the cruise, it’s hard to list them all here, but I’m thankful for everybody that I met!


10. Boys On The Block tweets

In our first seven months, we got follows from Jordan Knight (in our first two weeks!), Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter, I Heart Nick Carter, Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy. The Backstreet Boys have been really good with us, tweeting and RTing us, especially the middle tweet below that meant SO much to us, you have no idea. Especially since it was in response to a personal post that I had posted. Sure, I know 9 times out of 10 it’s probably their manager Jen (who is awesome!) behind the account or one of groundCtrl, but it doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts and it means a lot that they appreciate what we do here.

bsbbotb bsbbotb-bigtweet nickbotbYep, 2014 was a pretty Backstreetish year except for that New Kid Jordan Knight. I know that I’m lucky to get to experience the things that I experience. I’m extremely lucky to have the friends that I have to share it all with – from Julia to Hannah to Amy, Mel, Mary, Katie, Tina, Kim, Angie, Mara, Julz – just everybody. One day soon I’ll finally get to share that kind of experience with my sister from another mister in jolly Ol’ England (I’m talking about Lisa). And besides those people I didn’t get to meet in person, I met some awesome people online that I haven’t had the chance to meet yet, like Jen and Barb (my fellow Carter Cartel sisters).

Oh and one of the funniest things that happened in 2014…


You’re welcome, Nick Carter.


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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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