The @BackstreetBoys Top 20 Songs: No. 11 – “The Call” #BSBTop20

by | Dec 14, 2014 | BSB Top 20, Videos | 0 comments

The No. 11 song on the Top 20 Backstreet Boys songs of all time, as voted on by fans, is “The Call.” It was released in February 2001 as the second single from their album Black & Blue. The Neptunes Remix was featured as a track on the 2001 compilation album Now That’s What I Call Music! 7 (U.S. series).

The song was Max Martin, Rami Yacoub and the remix was produced by Pharrell Williams, who was a part of the Neptunes at the time.

AJ McLean later admitted on The Oprah Winfrey Show, in an episode discussing his recovery from depression and drug and alcohol abuse, that he tried cocaine for the first time on the set of this video, according to Wikipedia.


To see the entire list so far, click hereNote: The Backstreet Boys Top 20 songs will countdown once a day until Christmas with songs that fans who voted here at Boys On The Block consider their favorites.

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