Top 10 Reasons Why I Want Season 2 of I Heart Nick Carter! @nickcarter @Lauren_Kitt

by | Nov 9, 2014 | Opinion, Top Lists | 1 comment

The Top 10 reasons why I want another season of I Heart Nick Carter:

10. I have used the “hashtag” #IHeartNickCarter on twitter so many times that my fingers type it automatically…if there is no show that can get embarrassing!

9. Larry! I’m not going to lie…I heart Larry and want to see more of the “bromance” between Nick and his father-in-law!

8. There are so many questions that still need answering! Can Nick now do laundry? Do Nick and Howie ever find a shallow roasting pan? Can Lauren pass a Backstreet Boys music quiz???  We need answers!!!

7. Many of us “heart” Nick Carter…but now we “heart” Lauren and would love to learn even more about her!

6. This…I just want more of this goofy fun!



5. The I Heart Nick Carter weekly challenges and shout-outs…heck…I even won one! And I never win anything! 🙂



4. To NOT see what happens next in the lives of the newlywed carters seems just “evil”!



3. Nick wants to do another season as he tweeted out a petition link! You can find it here: I Heart Nick Carter Season 2 Petition

2. I Heart Nick (and Lauren) Carter…of course I want more!

1. Whatever comes to be, I am celebrating I Heart Nick Carter with a video tribute…thank you for sharing your lives and love with us!

Hugs and Planks!

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