If you all remember, when NKOTB’s “10” album came out, fans got together and took out an ad in the back of Rolling Stone or Entertainment Weekly (I forgot which) to show them how proud they were of them.
Well, why can’t we all band together to do that for Brian and Kevin?
In April, they will be inducted into the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame and as fans, we hope that we can ALL band together to take out an ad in the program to show them how proud we are of them.
A few things first:
- This ad is not from us at BOTB, but from ALL fans and those that contribute will have their name listed somewhere on the ad.
- We are only spearheading this mission.
- If the amount needed is not raised, all money raised will be refunded, according to indiegogo.com
Click HERE to donate and stay tuned to the site and Twitter @_BoysOnTheBlock for more updates! We have until January 6 to raise the money!