My Knight NYC Experience.

by | Oct 20, 2014 | Personal | 0 comments

As many of you may know, I reallllllyyyyy love Jordan Knight. I finally got to meet him at the New York City Nick and Knight show. The concert was asdfghjkl (Nick and Jordan are incredible). I went with my mom because she’s also a Bloquita. It was also her first time meeting Jordan.

When I was the next one in line I was standing near Marcus. I just love Marcus. I told him “Hi Marcus”. Marcus looked at me and said “Hi hun.” He also gave me a fist pound (It was really soft). I was really excited waiting in line. When Jordan looked to the side and saw who was next (Which was me) he made a funny face at me. Like he squinted his eyes and puckered up his lips. For some reason, that made me excited.

When I went to go meet Jordan I gave him the biggest hug I can possibly give. After we hugged he grabbed my hand and was like “Wait, I know you….. You’re b-b-b-b….” Then I told him my username from Twitter and he was like “Oh yeah!” We took our picture. I was so happy at that exact moment. After we took the picture I told him how much I loved him and complimented him. He thanked me, he’s asdfghjkl. After that he was like “It’s so good to finally meet you.” I was speechless at that point.

Now, it was my mom’s turn. I was really excited for her because she loved him when she was a teenager and she finally got to meet him. She comes up to him and they hug. Then she goes to him, points to me, and says “That’s my daughter!”  Jordan looked at me and he fangirled. He opened up his eyes really wide, he opened up his mouth, put his hands up, and squeaked. I was smiling and laughing…. I also put my hands up like he did.

The concert itself was incredible. Nick and Jordan gave their all. Towards the end, Nick and Jordan went down to touch people’s hands. When I touched Jordan’s hand, he winked at me. I can truly say that that was the best say ever.

My picture with Jordan:


My mom’s picture with Jordan:


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