This day in Backstreet Boys (@backstreetboys) history: October 4, 2005

by | Oct 4, 2014 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, History, Videos | 0 comments

On this day in 2005, “Just Want You To Know,” the second single from the group’s album “Never Gone” was released.

The song was written by Max Martin and Lukasz Gottwald and was produced by Martin and Dr. Luke.

The music video is what made this song popular among fans, introducing them to the Backstreet Boys alter-ego 80’s rock band Sphynkter. The music video had two separate versions – one with the boys as a group of fans going to the arena to see Sphynkter and then one with just Sphynkter performing the song.

On the 2011 Backstreet Boys, the boys (minus Kevin) dressed up as their alter ego’s Sphynkter for their 80’s night and came out performing the song.

Check out the two separate videos below.


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