Jason Orange leaving Take That

by | Sep 25, 2014 | News, Opinion, Thoughts | 0 comments

Take That put out a statement yesterday from Jason Orange, stating that he is leaving the band, but that they are on good terms. That leaves the band as a trio.

Read the full statement.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m kinda thinking their time is up.

Now before all you Thatters (if we have any that visit here) start jumping on me, let me explain a little.

Go back 20 odd years, 1993 and I was 8 years old dancing around to “Could It Be Magic” and “Everything Changes” and thinking I would marry Mark Owen and Robbie Williams as soon as I could. I LOVED Take That. I was obsessed, sure… I never had the dolls or all the random memorabilia. I did have a million posters that covered my bedroom walls, and a card from my cousin that was a photo she took from one of their shows… they were barely visible, but I loved it!

Flash forward to 1995, Robbie Williams left the band, making me completely heart broken. 1996 came and on February 13th (which just happens to be Robbie’s Birthday) they announced they were splitting up. Cue my broken heart, but then of course… there was another boyband on the scene…*coughbackstreetboyscough

So there we all thought it was up. Gary went solo, Robbie was drugged up and releasing music, Mark went solo. No one really knew what Howard or Jason were doing unless you were older than 18 and drove. The internet wasn’t something we all had, and Take That purely became nothing but a distant memory…

November 25th 2005 the band did a press conference (sans Robbie) announcing that they would be making a new album, and touring the following year. Sure, I was 9/10 years older, and a die hard Backstreet Boys fan, but my boy band heart did a little flutter, and just over a year later I was at the 02 Arena in London, sat in the highest seats the furthest away from the stage, but it was what my inner 7 year old had always wanted. I sang, danced, and cried. Especially when they did “Never Forget”, which is AMAZING live, what with the dance and everyone singing along. I was so happy, but of course, my beloved Robbie wasn’t there, and I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.

2010… brought is a new album, a new tour, and most importantly… ROBBIE!
I saw the Progress tour in Wembley Stadium, and my god the atmosphere there was ELECTRIC! I literally fangirled so much to Robbie that I had no voice by the end. And If I had thought “Never Forget” was great at the 02, well seeing it at Wembley Stadium, surrounded by 80,000 other fans… blew my mind!

I think most Take That fans knew that Robbie being back wouldn’t last. Sure, things are on good terms, but Robbie got married, and had a kid, and then another on the way… life took over. So finding out Jason is leaving… well it didn’t shock me too much. What actually shocked me was the fact the band are still continuing on at a trio.

I just… I think its time fellas.

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