Site Update: This, that and oh my God, did that just happen?

by | Sep 22, 2014 | Site News | 0 comments

Hey everybody! Just a quick little update… things have been a bit slow around here since coming back from Nashville. We have all been really busy, but things are getting back into shape!

Thursday the site may be down just a little for a possible layout change. I will keep everybody updated on Twitter.

So what’s up with me? People tend to not believe that I’m a real journalist… I was invited to a press conference with Garth Brooks, the only artists in record sales that can compare to Elvis Presley and The Beatles. He just happens to be my hero.


He wanted a photo with me at the end of the press conference. How awesome is that? Dreams do come true people! Also got a selfie with him because he wanted to make sure the lady who took the picture got it and so I asked if he wanted a selfie just in case. He is AMAZING and one of the reasons I fell in love with music.

So expect more people. Sometimes real life takes over. That happens to every one. We are not out to beat anybody or be better than anybody. We are out to share the love of boy bands, mostly BSB and NKOTB, but boy bands regardless.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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