Review: “I Heart Nick Carter” Episode 2 (@HeartNickCarter)

by | Sep 18, 2014 | Personal | 1 comment

After a very #IHeartNickCarter filled week and it’s only Wednesday night, I sat down to watch the episode and was surprised at how funny it was.

Let’s get to it.

Best Part: Nick and Howie shopping for food and Nick not knowing anything.

Funniest Part: Nick comparing the prenup to Lauren getting a turkey.

Craziest Part: Nick putting a stick of butter in the microwave for two minutes. REALLY Carter? REALLY? I can’t cook and even I know not to do that. LOL!

Saddest Part: Nick telling Lauren that management controls everything and shows how upset he is by it. That was probably also the hottest part. Nick pissy is my favorite Nick besides giggly Nick.

Fave Cameo: Nacho!

Looking forward to: More Nacho and to see what asshat Aaron Carter has to say.

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