Concert Review: Nick & Knight’s opening night in Nashville (Karah)

by | Sep 16, 2014 | Concert Reviews, Exclusives | 1 comment

I have never seen an opening show of a tour before. I saw Nick’s very first solo show in 2002, but it wasn’t the beginning of a tour. I’ve seen the second shows and the last shows, but never the first show. Now there’s a part of me that wants to see every first show of a tour, although I know I can’t.

You can sense the newness of the tour and the nervousness and the excitement.

I told Lauren after the show when we saw her that I have NEVER seen Nick Carter be that happy on stage. NEVER. The smiling was contagious and even Jordan was different than his normal New Kids on the Block self.

Nick and Knight is really the real deal. They have a chemistry that you could sense on the NKOTBSB tour. But on the Nick and Knight tour… it’s more real. It’s raw. It’s… amazing.

I won’t go into much detail because I don’t want to ruin it for others. I guess the biggest thing is to not go in with ANY expectation because being the first show, I had none. My friends had no expectations.

And it blew us away.

Highlights (for me):

– Being that it was the first show, our soundcheck was really long and only had a few people. It was like two separate concerts.

– The dancing blew me away. You could really tell them were concentrating on it during “Switch,” which was… awesome.

– “You’re seeing this first,” was Jordan’s most frequent phrase during soundcheck.

– Nick grabbing the crown out of my hand as soon as I hugged him and putting it on his head. I told him I wanted a ghetto/gangsta picture, but when he hugged me again before the picture after giving him Jen’s “Thanking Carter” book, I lost all focus and smiled in the pic, thus making us both look like idiots. LOL! Oops. Ghetto fab Nick Carter, ladies and gentlemen.

– Jordan’s “Give It To You” is still possibly the dirtiest and greatest song ever.

– Nick’s rendition of “Falling Down” is A-mazing. I have a full video of it but I was so into the performance, I didn’t realize I was singing.

– You could really tell Nick loved “Drive My Car.” Which makes me happy because it’s my favorite song on the album. They kept trying to sing it during soundcheck and something wasn’t working. I think they were teasing me.

– Nick doing the New Kids dance.

– Jordan cheating with the lyrics to “I Want It That Way.”

– Jordan and the band pretending to the women from the “Addicted To Love” video during soundcheck, causing all of us to crack up laughing.

The show was amazing. That’s all I can really say.

Here’s a few pictures below, that are tagged (it’s annoying, I know, but sorry – people on tumblr are idiots). More videos will be up soon!

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