Video: Nick Carter’s (@nickcarter) fan club chat from 9/07/14

by | Sep 7, 2014 | Videos | 0 comments

Nick Carter held a 20-minute fan club chat on Saturday, September 7, 2014 from his studio in what is probably Nashville, Tenn. since he visited a local radio station there on Friday.

In the chat, he discusses the tour with Jordan, his hopes for the “Nick and Knight” album, the direction of “Evil Blessings” and gave shoutouts to almost every country in the world.

Nick actually answered my question first. While interviewing Lauren Friday, she mentioned that their cat had a new name and I couldn’t remember what she said and hadn’t gone back to listen to the interview yet. Apparently Mulder is now known as Meow Meow.

Meow Nick Carter, Meow.

Thanks to Loveamour on Youtube for the video below. Check out their page!

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