Article: @NickAndKnight are NOT a boy band (via Time)

by | Sep 6, 2014 | Personal | 0 comments

Time Magazine (remember when they used to have boring articles?) sat down with Nick Carter and Jordan Knight on Thursday to talk about their brand new album. Click here to read the full article.

Some highlights:

Which song are you most excited about on the album?

NC: We love the entire record. It’s hard to choose! Personally, I like “Drive My Car.”

JK: I like that one too.

NC: I also like “Halfway There” a lot.

JK: That one’s great.

What can fans expect on a Nick and Knight tour? Choreography?

NC: Choreography, but not the aerobic type stuff. It’s going to be sexy, adult, mature and there’s going to be the new music. There’s going to be some older solo stuff, some Backstreet New Kids stuff. A section where we pay homage to the ’80s and ’90s. It’s going to be a big party.

What’s in your iPods right now?

NC: I still play ‘80s music. Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love,” The Cars, but also new stuff like Ariana Grande, Iggy Azalea — it all depends.

JK: Prince and Michael Jackson are two of my all-time favorite artists. I have two kids, so I have to listen to Top 40 radio and it’s awesome as well.

NC: As music connoisseurs, we listen to everything — rap, country. When you write, those influences that come out.

JK: One track has sort of a Drake vibe, “Drive My Car” has an indie rock ‘80s sound, “Switch” has a Michael Jackson-Pharrell sound. There are different influences throughout the album.

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