Exclusive Throwback Thursday: The Backstreet Boys (@backstreetboys) performing on the Children’s Miracle Network Telethon in 2006

by | Aug 28, 2014 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Throwback Thursday | 0 comments

We were on vacation in Florida when the Boys performed on the “Children’s Miracle Network” telethon on June 4th, 2006.

We saw them on the red carpet before the show giving interviews and we might have sneaked into the live telethon to watch the boys perform in our flip flops 😉 and let me tell you what: NO REGRETS WHATSOEVER! 😉
They were amazing and absolutely sweet and their performance rocked the house!

So, here are some of my pictures from back then (my camera sucked back then…). The youtube video is not mine but for memory purposes!








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