Album review: Nick Carter (@nickcarter) and Jordan Knight (@jordanknight) shine on ‘@NickAndKnight’ debut

by | Aug 27, 2014 | Personal | 0 comments

Note: This is the album review that I wrote that is published in the newspaper where I work. Because of that, I’m not posting the whole thing here. Click the link below to read more on the website. Enjoy!

When I first figured out that Backstreet Boys’ Nick Carter and New Kid on the Block’s Jordan Knight were working together with a side project in December and received confirmation in January (and reporting on it then), I was ecstatic to hear the final product.

The day as come — “Nick & Knight” is released on Tuesday.

Fans were first teased with a song when they finally announced their partnership in late April with the bouncy and funky “Just The Two of Us.” [Read More]

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