Backstreet Boys to have a Vegas show? According to a choreographer, yes

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Personal | 0 comments

While there was rumors before, this seems to legitify all of them.

A choregrapher, Warren Carlyle, has talked with a publication where he mentions that he is doing the choregraphy for the Backstreet Boys show in Vegas.

This might explain why the guys were in New York City with a bunch of dancers.

T2C: What’s next?

WC: Mozart a Rock Opera. We open in Toronto in November and depending on theatre availability Broadway next spring. I am also choreographing the Backstreet Boys’ new show in Las Vegas and it was just announced that I will be choreographing a production of On the 20th Century with Kristen Chenoweth for fall.

So unless they are doing a Backstreet Boys show where just random dancers dance to Backstreet Boys music, it looks like the boys are going the way of Garth, Shania, Britney and Celine.

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