Opinion: Why I’m Scared To Watch “@HeartNickCarter”

by | Aug 21, 2014 | Opinion | 6 comments

First let me start by saying that I will absolutely be watching “I Heart Nick Carter” each week…as I do “heart” Nick Carter as well as Lauren.

My husband will have to learn to “heart” them as well because I informed him that we have a standing Wednesday night date starting September 10th!

But I must admit that I am a bit scared to watch this show…it makes me strangely nervous.

Perhaps it is due to the preview clips we have seen so far that showed crying and dramatic moments.  I don’t do well with stuff like that…I’m getting to be a sentimental planker in my old age!

I can barely keep a hold over my own emotions these days…how the heck am I going to watch Lauren and Nick’s?  Ha, ha!

I also may be anxious about seeing what the reaction to the show is. When I say this I am referring to  the “haters” who, as we all know, can be cruel and are just looking to put people down.  As much as we can all try to ignore them they still manage to creep their way in and put a damper on the fun!

I just need to put on my big girl pants…in my case sweats…and enjoy the show!

The fitness girl in me most looks forward to any exercise related scenes.  You have seen the clip where Nick falls off the ball, right?  Priceless…and something I see all too often in my profession…lol.




I hope “I Heart Nick Carter” is a huge success and that I can conquer my fear!

And if there is a second season maybe the Carters will plank…hint, hint!  🙂

Hugs and Planks!


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