Flashback Friday:BSB’s Up Close and Personal Tour 2005

by | Aug 8, 2014 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Flashback Friday, Videos | 0 comments

So I’ve been going through my external harddrive, trying to find some fun and interesting Backstreet Boys flashbacks that would have people interested, and I came across the complete Atlanta date of the boys Up Close and Personal Tour.

This was the tour we had all been waiting for, and whilst it wasn’t a very big tour, they showcases alot of the new songs for the upcoming album “Never Gone”, as well as performing the older hits too.

Here is a playlist I made up of all the videos! What’s your favourite? Anyone else wish that the song Shout had been more than just a performance on this tour? Lets discuss in comments!

Whilst all I had was a username in the name of the videos, I have no idea who they belong to. I have credited that person on the videos, but if they are yours and you wish for me to change the name, or remove them then please message us to let us know.

Note: If you have any suggestions on flashback fridays, or can think of some yourself, why don’t you drop us an email.

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