Opinion: In A World Like This…Stop The Twitsanity!

by | Jul 28, 2014 | Opinion | 8 comments

“In A World Like This” I find it sad how things that are supposed to be fun can turn ugly.

“In A World Like This” we should lift each other up and not cut each other down.

“In A World Like This” I wish we would be happy for others when something good happens to them.

“In A World Like This”…

Okay…I’ll stop…you get the idea!

I was lurking the other day and came across Twitter’s version of a “Soap Opera”!

Hmmm….”In A World Like This” would be a good Soap Opera name…but I digress.

There were fighting tweets…jealous tweets…crazy tweets…loving tweets…cryptic tweets…etc.

I try to stay out of  the drama.  (Instead I just annoy the heck out of my tweeps with endless plank related tweets…ha!)  But sometimes I feel like popping up some popcorn and just reading the madness and twitsanity.

The minute (insert boy band member’s name here) tweets people go insane and the game is on!

Immediately my timeline blows up and I know things are about to get interesting.

Folks become desperate for attention from their idols and seem to well…um…lose their minds!

Sometimes it is fun and people are in good cheer.  They will tweet over and over trying to be seen, but not doing any harm except perhaps to their furiously moving fingers. I’ve re-tweeted myself a time or two trying to get my “Plank” message across, but am proud to say that I have yet to injure a finger!

But other times, things can get messy!  I think the worst is when fellow fans begin to fight with one another or when they become jealous of another’s “relationship” with the object of their twitfection.

When this happens I think folks need to take a step back and put things in perspective.

1. It is only Twitter and while Twitter can be awesome, it is not all there is in life.

2. Be happy for the “chosen ones”! Jealousy will get you nowhere and you don’t always know a person’s back-story or why they have that special connection.

3. You are fighting over people who spend a whole lot of time singing about love…lol!

As in real life, we are not all going to love one another in the Twitterverse, but we can respect each other and not resort to low blows and nasty negative tweets

Fans should support each other and celebrate the bond and the connection they have through their favorite band. Life is too short too waste it on negativity.  Personally, I am thrilled when one of my tweeps gets a “shout out” or has a special moment or opportunity with the guys.  Everybody deserves a moment to shine!

“In A World Like This”…Stop The Twitsanity…and let’s have some fun!

Hugs and Planks!


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