10 Reasons Why You Should Buy ‘One More Time’ By Nick & Knight On iTunes.

by | Jul 22, 2014 | Opinion, Top Lists | 0 comments

1. How sexy do they look on the single cover?


2. The song is sooooooooooooooooooo catchy, give it a listen


3. You know you loved ‘Just The Two Of Us’….. Don’t lie ;D.

4. The lyrics are fun & uh-mazing!

Check them out:

Do You Remember
laying on the floor.
So drunk you felt we never laughed like that before
Or the time we broke up
when you were having doubts.
We tried to talk it out but started making out

I know that you been thinking
you’re better off leaving
but you’ll never going to find another me.
(Whoa ho ho)
Your gonna feel so stupid when you realize what you did
No one could make you feel like me.
No one else is gonna make you go…

(Wooo hoo)
It’ll never be this good
(Wooo Hoo)
No one else could love you like
(Wooo Hoo)
It’ll never be this good
(Wooo hoo)
So let me get it one more time
(Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh)
So let me get it one more time

Don’t you remember?
Just how I made you feel
the night you came home crying cause you crashed your car
Now your talking about just friends
but you’d be lying to yourself if you thought someone else can take my place

I know that you been thinking
you’re better off leaving
but you’ll never going to find another me.
(Whoa ho ho)

Your gonna feel so stupid when you realize what you did
No one could make you feel like me.
No one else is gonna make you go…

(Wooo hoo)
It’ll never be this good
(Wooo Hoo)
No one else could love you like
(Wooo hoo)
It’ll never be this good
(Wooo hoo)
So let me get it one more time
(Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh)
So let me get it one more time
(Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh)
So let me get it one more time

One more time
Let me get it one more time
Let me get it one more time
One more time
Let me get it one more time
Let me get it one more time
No one else is gonna make you go…

(Wooo hoo)
It’ll never be this good
(Wooo Hoo)
No one else could love you like
(Wooo hoo)
It’ll never be this good
(Wooo hoo)
So let me get it one more time
(Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh)
So let me get it one more time
(Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh Whoa oh oh)

5. Their bromance is too much to handle.


6. Again….. The bromance.


7. You know you made this face when you heard ‘One More Time’.


8. They looked really gorgeous on the set of the ‘One More Time’ music video.

9. They work hard & share an incredible bond.

10. Just buy it already https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/one-more-time-single/id896914915.


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