Concert Review: Backstreet Boys take on Hyde Park!

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Backstreet Boys, Concert Reviews, Submitted Photos | 0 comments

Ten moments that made the boys Hyde Park performance one of the best.

1. The Atmosphere.
The crowd was full of Mcbusted Fans, with the odd BSB fan here and there, so seeing these fans singing and dancing to our boys, well it warmed my heart.

2. Hearing the crowd singing “I Want It That Way”.
The song might be one I skip every time it comes on my ipod, but hearing it live, hearing the fans sing along… never fails to give me goosebumps.

3. Raining after they sang “Drowning”.
While most people would grimace at the idea of being at a show and it rains, we embraced it with arms up to the sky. We didn’t put up our umbrellas (ok, SOME of us might of), we didn’t hide under our jackets, no, we decided to just go with it! We danced, sang our hearts out and let the rain literally soak us. Was it worth it? Hell yea!

4. “Is that a Bee? Oh my GOD YOU HAVE BEE’S HERE?! Howie get it off me!!”
Nick freaking out about a bee was HILARIOUS! Not only was he surprised we have bees (For future reference, yes, the UK DOES infact have bees), but the fact he was trying to get Howie to get rid of it, whilst squealing that he was scared was down right entertaining!

Kevin decided to do the tour speech, you know… they all have their moment to speak, but at this show none of the others did waffle on apart from Kevin, and bless his soul… he carried on despite people talking whilst he was, which prompted me to tell everyone to shut up.
Just like when Nick sings, you have to shut up when Kevin speaks. Fact!

6. The crowds reaction when the boys put on their hats for “All I Have To Give”
Normally its us BSB fans that swoon when the boys don the hats, so was pleasantly surprised to hear everyone get excited when they put the hats on and did the old school dance moves.

7. James Bourne singing “I Want It That Way”
James from Busted has always expressed his love for the BSBs, so I wasn’t too surprised when he came out on stage to sing with our boys, and he did a GREAT job!!

8. Nick Carter
I don’t need to explain. This pic can do all the talking.

9. In A World Like This.
Its no secret I just LOVE that song, so the moment it came on, me and my girls sang as loud as we could, jumped at the right moment, and we wore our Nick masks with pride. It was that moment Kevin saw us and waved, and Brian laughed at the fact we were all Nick.

10. Kevin sliding across the stage.
Ok, so the other guys did it too, but when Kevin did it… well, you just have to watch.

So as usual, here are some pictures I took. And my usual reminder: Please do not remove the tags, and credit where it is due. Thank you!







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