Opinion: Remember, this is your site, too!

by | Jul 1, 2014 | Opinion, Site News | 0 comments

I want to thank everybody who has visited this site over the past few months. While the site has only been around since the beginning of May (marking my 16th anniversary of a Backstreet Boys fan), we have come a long way.

Two months ago today, I registered the domain and now we are a staff of five very dedicated fans and just had one of our most successful days as a site. We owe that to you – the visitors.

Remember that this website is not just ours (yes, I may call it mine), but it is your site, too. If you’re interested in joining to share your opinion, funny posts, or whatever, just shoot us an email, tweet, or whatever. Let us know.

It doesn’t matter if you are a Backstreet Boys fan or a New Kids fan, an O-Town fan or you still hold that soft spot for ‘N Sync or love One Direction. This site is about boy bands – all boy bands.

I wanted this site to be a Buzzfeed type site for boy band fans and so far, that’s what it seems to be and I’m happy about that.

So join the fun?

– Karah @Princess_Karah

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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