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Site News: Wanna Join Us? And our new monthly contest!

by | Jun 25, 2021 | Contest, Nick Carter, Site News | 0 comments

Glory be! Nickolas Gene Carter has really and fully joined TikTok!

That’s the biggest news out of this small site update. You can follow Nick on TikTok @nickcarter and the boy has over 830k followers already! We also changed our handle over there from @bsbfangirls to @karahleigh80 since it’s more personal than site stuff, so follow me if you want 🙂

That is if I have anymore TikTok videos since Nick tried to kill me with the video of him in the pool.

Wanna join BSBFangirls?

Since things are going to be starting up again soon with this Christmas album and before we know it, it’ll be 2022 and the boys will be heading to Australia and then back home to the U.S. for the DNA tour and we want you!

Head over to see if you got what it takes. While we do try to edit the posts, we really want people who already have a writing or blogging background, or who can write sentences without any slang or spelling you “u.”

We want girls who are tough as nails who want to share their opinion, but in a classy way.  Learn More —->

Monthly Contest update!

Congrats to Kris (don’t know her Twitter or social media handle) from Loredo, Texas for winning last month’s prize! It will go in the mail on Monday!

This month we will be giving away a KEEP CALM AND KTBSPA vinyl sticker for your laptop, car window, etc.  Just fill out the form and make sure you answer the question! Learn More —->


That’s all for this update!