Nick Carter Blog Posts

Surf and Serve with Nick Carter: A Dream Come True

As part of Backstreet’s Back at the Beach in Cancun, fans were given an opportunity to place their name in for a drawing to participate in a number of activities including a volleyball tournament, Surf and Serve, with Nick Carter. I had put my name in for a few events, but had not won. Nick’s event was my last chance, and with my favorite BSB. 

Our Favorite Instagram Posts from @BackstreetBoys in 2019!

Our Favorite Instagram Posts from @BackstreetBoys in 2019!

My how times have changed since we started “following” these guys back in the 90’s! Back then, the closest you could get to real-time updates from the boys was getting a glimpse of them in the TRL Studios. Now, we’re lucky enough to be able to “follow” them in a different way — on Instagram!

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