Cartoon Carter shows Resilience and Strength in New Animated Music Video

by | Jan 16, 2024 | #BSB30, Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, New Music, Nick Carter, Review, Solo Music, Who I Am Tour | 0 comments

Our favorite BSB Blonde has released his newest music video for his latest single “Never Break My Heart (Not Again)” and there is a lot to say about it. Given how much there is to unpack in this one, it seemed fitting to join forces with The Dark Side  and Forever Rebel blogger, Rose, who regularly reviews all things Nick Carter music. In recent years, Rose and I have come to realize that we have very similar thoughts about most of Nick’s projects (among other things…like Pandas). Nick’s most recent work is highly intentional and with this video, we thought it would be fun to tackle this one together. The more brains, the better… 

So let’s dive in. 

Rose: I think the best thing is the stark contrast here, the subject matter isn’t happy and it’s definitely layered. You have this subject matter where he’s in essentially a battle but the animation style is bright colors, it’s happy and bouncy and cute. In a way it almost reflects Nick himself. People always see him as a “boybander” with “fluffy pop songs” but there’s a depth not just to him but his music. It mirrors it. 

Rose: Within the past year. Nick has been using a lot of Easter Eggs. This isn’t normally his style. He’s not Taylor Swift (but we love him just as much or more… = Amber) . But I do like that he’s trying to convey more and more messages within everything he’s creating. With each song, he’s reminding fans to listen to the lyrics, to pay attention. On tour, there’s not a single song that’s there on that setlist by mistake. The fact this starts in the year 2000 but later transports him into modern day Las Vegas? That is intentional. That’s purposeful. 

Rose: I think the two of us watched this music video half a dozen times (Try 15!) trying to look at the meanings without going too deep, without overanalyzing it. I don’t think we did that here. When Nick first lands in Las Vegas, he looks confused and tries to sort out what’s happening. He’s walking before stopping short because he almost goes over the edge. Because Las Vegas? It’s split into multiple floating islands.

Rose: I’ll never get sick of the nickname Cartoon Carter and if we ever get a plushie of him someday, not only will I buy it but that will absolutely be his name. But here’s the thing, the amount of pieces of the heart is pretty important here. We have the main piece that never got lost, but there’s three other pieces – Nick has three kids. While watching it, I literally blurted it out. “Wait, it’s his kids!” Which, bless Amber because I know I am random and loud. 

Rose: There’s not a lot I need to add here besides the fact that there’s absolutely a significance to the battles and the monsters. Each one is chasing after his heart. All of them are trying to go after something that he sees as incredibly important and something worth protecting. He’ll do whatever it takes to find those pieces and get them back to somewhere safe. I think that’s there for his fans to watch and interpret in a very specific kind of way.  

Rose: Everything about this video is there to tell a very specific story. The description is probably the most important here, where it says it’s about perseverance, overcoming adversity, and resilience. Nick will tell you himself about how lost he felt and how much he struggled in the early 2000s, he wrote an entire book about it. He’s been incredibly open and even recently at a soundcheck he said he draws his strength from BSB, his children, and the fans. He wants to rise above every mistake he’s made in the past and he wants to be sure he helps others do the same. 

Rose: I’m just glad you became a Nick girl and saw the light.

Rose: The amount of times I’d watch and cheer when Nick beat one of those little pokemon monsters can’t be overstated here. He fought hard! Leaping off buildings, jumping from car to car. You can’t keep a good Cartoon Carter down. You can’t keep Nick down.

Rose: This reflects very vividly in his real life too. I don’t think I need to say more to that beyond the fact that with every hurdle he’s faced and is facing, he’s faced it dead on. He didn’t shy away, he’s not shying away now. He stands his ground and fights to protect what’s his, just like he is in the video. Also, on a more random note, I love that the transformer has the Nick curtain hair. It’s little touches like that where despite all the serious notes of the video, he’s clearly allowing himself and the artist behind the animation to have fun with the concept. 

I have to say it, it very much appears that with these music videos Nick is absolutely checking things off of his bucket list. With Made For Us he was living in a video game, and with Never Break My Heart he’s a cartoon character with a video game-esque theme. All the metaphors and the messages aside for a moment, Nick is really and truly showing us who he is, sorry about the pun. With every single, he’s telling his story and with every video he’s doing the same. With Superman he told us that he’s going to fight and stand up for his family. Made For Us while being a dedication to the fans, it’s also a message of hope and that we’re going to get through this together. Now, with Never Break My Heart it’s his rallying cry that he’s not going to take it anymore. 

Rose: This video has been racking up the views faster than the others and I think a large part of that is not because it’s appealing on so many levels.  And I think that’s part of why we’re so proud of him with this. I don’t think either of us have ever seen Nick so truthful within his music as a solo artist, not in his songs and definitely not with his music videos. Music can say so much and it can be so therapeutic and that seems to be the purpose here. There’s a light at the end of the title and life is worth fighting for. You should never give up. A beautiful message for an empowering song. 

In the end it shows him closing the phone, closing the door on his struggles. With one little flip of the phone he was able to shut the past behind him no matter how many times it tried to bite back. Because that’s all you can do, you battle those demons when they come, and you keep moving forward. I told this to Nick in person at 90’s Con and I meant it – there’s no better example of going through the fire and coming out on the other side of the fire than him. This video is just another example. 

Rose: Hope you enjoyed the ride!

If you haven’t seen the music video yet, what the hell are you waiting for? 

Check it out HERE and check Nick out on his #WhoIAmTour anywhere you can. We promise, you won’t regret it.

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