Site: We have a podcast, and more updates!

by | Nov 27, 2022 | Contest, Podcast, Shop, Site News, The BSB Fangirl Life | 0 comments

Over the past few weeks, we’ve done a few little site updates here and there with things on the front page, smaller changes on some other pages and more!

So what’s going on?

The BSB Fangirl Life Show

That’s right – we’ve finally started a podcast! I had a small vlog during COVID called The Fangirl Diaries, but now Amber and I have taken on a whole new thing and we’re having fun with it! We have two episodes up (Amber was on holiday during the second episode so our friend Kelly joined in).

It can be found on all platforms like Spotify, YouTube, Apple, Google, Pandora, I Heart Radio, etc. We have a link in our top menu for easy access, too!

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Another Book Contest!

We have another presale contest for my and Emilia’s book, Backstreet Boys: 30th Anniversary Celebration! Not only do you win a DNA World Tour VIP pack and any T-Shirt from my Etsy shop! This ends a lot quicker, so send in your receipt by December 4th!

Etsy Shop

While we closed our Shopify account store, our Etsy shop is still up and running and ready for holiday orders! We have some new items in the store and plan to restock a lot of our stickers that everybody loves over the next week!

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Social Media

With the future of Twitter up in the air, we want to make sure you guys know where you can find us online if the platform disappears!

BSBFangirls: Facebook | TikTok | Instagram
Karah: Instagram | GoodReads | | Etsy
Emilia: Instagram | Instagram | | GoodReads

And stay tuned, we have some exclusives coming up in the next few weeks. You won’t want to miss those!

About Us

We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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