News: Tidbits about ‘Chords and Coffee with @NickCarter’ (with Video)

by | Aug 21, 2022 | Music, News, Nick Carter | 1 comment

Nick Carter held his first “Chords and Coffee with Nick Carter event today in Spokane, Washington and our Amber was there for the event.

Note: She’ll be back soon to post reviews of Nick and Howie’s events.

For Nick’s event, her performed:

  • “Free Fallin'”
  • “Easy”
  • “Do I Have To Cry For You?”
  • “Just Want You To Know”
  • “Help Me”
  • “I Want It That Way.”

When asked about when he would be releasing new music, he said that he knows he hasn’t been consistent and that he wanted to release “Good Times,” but changed his mind because he felt like it wasn’t time. He is still trying to figure out where he is with his solo music, but right now he is so busy with Backstreet Boys and will be for a while.

Someone asked if they would be having a residency in Vegas again and Nick played coy, telling people “We may have a residency in two years, we may have one in a year and a half. We may have one in a year, or we may have one in six months.”

He also mentioned that they had to do something big for the 30th anniversary and they would be doing something, but didn’t give any hints to anything.

Here’s video of the entire performance via Shiran

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