Review: Two @BackstreetBoys Concerts, Covid, and a Thunderstorm

by | Jul 17, 2022 | Backstreet Boys, Concert Reviewer, Opinion | 0 comments

Just like MTV’s “Diary” stated – you think you know, but you have no idea.

The past few weeks have been a little freaking crazy as you can tell with the lack of updates here. Typically I would always post a day or two after a show, but I’ve been through 2.5 concerts at this point and I’m just posting.

Shall we start with Charlotte?


Charlotte started out with me and my mother making our way to Charlotte where we were going to visit some NASCAR shops that afternoon before Mara, Amber and I went to the concert the next day.

Things didn’t work out that way.

As some of you know, my Mom is disabled and an amputee. We requested a handicapped accessible room and I looked around to try and find the best hotel with the most accessibility. We got to our room and the bed was so high that she could not get on it. She could not get her wheelchair close enough to the toilet. We couldn’t get another hotel because none had any rooms available.

To make a long story short, I drove her home that night and came back. First I went through Columbia, SC to pick up the BFF of the year, Mara, and headed straight to Atlanta. After getting my Mom settled back at home, Mara and I made our journey back to Charlotte where we got a little sleep and then I finally got to meet Amber in person!

Amber and I had matched BSB Fangirls shirts (along with Mara wearing a white one) and we went to VIP. We were first in line because we wanted a great pit spot and when I got in, I somehow ended up between AJ and Kevin, which is an unnatural position for me.

Nick was talking to Howie when I came in and didn’t see me (even though he apparently thought I was in Tampa after seeing Mara there). After my solo pic, Amber and I took one together with our shirts and the guys and I was back in my normal place – beside Nick.

Charlotte was one of my favorite pit experiences. Not only was I at the point of the stage, everybody there was so cool and chill. There was no pushing or shoving and Mara came in later and got right behind us against the rail and had a perfect view also.

See, when “DNA” first came out, I was kind of like “WTF” about “New Love.” Now it’s one of my favorite songs they’ve ever done, so when Nick looked at me and sung during it, well it pretty much made my night. (The video is set to start just before that part below.)

You can watch all of my videos from the show below:

Charlotte was definetly one of my favorite stops that I’ve seen on the DNA World Tour.


My hometown show. The day started with me and Julia getting to the venue before the parking opened and unlike some of the other venues, there was nobody there to let us in. But we found somewhere very close by to park and waited for VIP. I won’t go too much into VIP except that it was awesome and Nick made sure that AJ didn’t steal me away again.

After VIP, we had to wait, a little in the rain before heading to the pit where I got the tip again (it’s literally my favorite spot). Julia thankfully was right there with me FINALLY where she should have been on my birthday in 2019 in Washington, DC. We got to see Ashley and her Mom and then Kelly finally made her way to pit. The pit around us was so cool that they actually let her scoot in.

The concert, for some reason or another, was better than Charlotte, which I didn’t think was possible. The guys have been on FIRE the entire tour. You can watch my videos below from the show.

Oh and after Atlanta, I caught COVID. Somehow several of us in the front row caught COVID. Others in the front row probably had it and just didn’t know it since this variant isn’t that much. My Mom caught COVID so that caused a whole lot of stress about whether or not I would be able to attend my birthday show in Bristow.

A few days before the show, I tested negative a total of five times, so I was safe.


As we all know, this is going to be short and sweet. I flew into DC and Mara and I went to Bristow after riding around DC to take in some sights with her Dad that morning. We got to the venue, easy parking just like Charlotte, and get out and I see Cindy, Kerry, Kim and Holly up front. Then I finally get to meet Brigid in person.

But there was a storm coming.

We check into VIP and get carried around to the backstage area and are told things would be quick because of the storm that was coming and it was coming quick.

About 10 or 12 people in front of me including the other girls went and when it was my turn I heard AJ call out, “Last one!” because apparently it had started lightning. (I think they did two or three after me, too). I get to Nick who gives me a quick hug and tells me happy birthday and suddenly I hear “HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH” from Kevin. He did the same thing in Washington DC three years ago!

After the picture we were ushered out and under the shelter of the venue with LiveNation workers and other fans. Suddenly all the other fans from VIP came in because they had to stop VIP and the bottom lets out.

I mean, it got bad.

Things finally start to calm down and we are able to venture out to shop merch and get food or drinks. The people in pit were able to go down to their spots in pit, but it kept thundering and lighting with light rain.

Apparently for every lightning strike, you have to wait 30 minutes.

While this was happening, thousands of people were waiting in their cars in the parking lot because they couldn’t come in yet. VIP and workers were the only ones in the venue.

Then Delta Goodrem’s band started packing up and we thought the opening act had gotten cancelled. Then someone walks by and we hear on the radio that the show had been postponed to a later date.

And my heart broke. It was my 42nd birthday and I didn’t get my concert that I had traveled for. I got it and understood it, but it still hurts. I at least got to see the boys and Nick tweeted me later that night, but still.

So there’s no videos from that concert because there wasn’t a concert.

Hopefully I can still attend the Bristow show because I had an actual seat – front row at the tip. Then I have Lexington and who knows where else I may pop up.

The good thing about Bristow is that I got to hang out with my other BFF and see friends that I hadn’t seen in three years, and some I hadn’t seen since Atlanta (lol).

Until next time.

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