From @BacksteetBoys to Backstreet Dads: Happy Father’s Day!

by | Jun 19, 2022 | AJ McLean, Backstreet Boys, Brian Littrell, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson, Nick Carter, Videos | 0 comments

Happy Father’s Day to all the father figures out there!  But as this is BSB Fangirls, a special Father’s Day wish for the Backstreet Boys is in order.

For nearly 30 years, we have followed these boys (now men!) for their talent.  In that time, they went from the original Backstreet babies to Backstreet dads and wonderful family men.  Now I enjoy seeing the adventures they take with their families and how they get to experience this life with their kids in tow. 

From Nick’s pancake and waffle daddy posts, to AJ’s nail polish line named after his girls, to the outdoor adventures Kevin and Howie take with their families and the support Brian gives to his (adult!) son’s career.  These 5 are amazing and inspirational parents.  And we are fortunate to get a glimpse into their lives.

This past week, I got the opportunity to see the boys perform at the Hollywood Bowl.  Many have now seen that the boys brought most of their kids out on stage during No Place, a song that is about the love they have for their families.  Only the youngest, Nick’s daughter Pearl, and oldest, Brian’s son Baylee, were missing from the festivities.  To see it on video was heartwarming. 

To witness it in person was emotional.  As a mother myself, who happened to have my 7 year old child with me at the show for his first ever concert with his beloved BSB, it was so beautiful to watch the boys bringing out their babies to enjoy the moment with them. 

My son laughed along as Saoirse stole Nick’s mic and Max danced and sang along with Kevin, while I had tears in my eyes.  This was such a special moment for the boys.  They were playing the Hollywood Bowl, an iconic venue, which they had never headlined before, and had almost all of their kids with them to sing along to a song about their families.  It was almost as if they were coming full circle.  

I’m thankful to have had a chance to watch it happen live and even more thankful that we have video footage of such a fun and special moment!

To each of these men: Happy Father’s Day.  May you know how much you are loved and how much we all appreciate being a small part of your lives.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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