Help Me, I’m Poor – The Hidden Costs of a BSB Weekend

by | May 21, 2022 | Advice and Tips, Backstreet Boys, Opinion, Thoughts | 0 comments

Buying our first home during a pandemic probably wasn’t a great idea. Neither was buying it after a 9 month bout of unemployment. I love the space we’ve created for our family and I’m truly happy to finally be a homeowner. I’m also working again now and it’s been wonderful.

But after spending a few years of going to practically everything and just throwing all my money at BSB, something has changed.

I still want to see them, but I’m fine with not going to 10+ shows and doing those 8 or so meet & greets. I definitely know that this is not sustainable and that most people could only dream of going to that many. I know I am very fortunate.

Now that I have a mortgage to pay and all the incidentals that go along with that, I’ve really started budgeting. That’s a new concept for me. No more spending 1k on a weekend away at the drop of a hat. Now if I want to spend 1k on a weekend away, I also have to factor in 1k in dog care.

Yeah, because during the pandemic I also went from having 1 dog, to having 2 and then getting a 3rd. That’s a story in itself. My husband’s work situation changed too. I can’t rely on him to be around when I need him to babysit the fur kids. 

Unfortunately for me, I am forced to travel in order see the boys. I mean, I could stay home but where’s the fun in that? Even if I went to one show this summer, I’d still be stuck driving 3 hours to and from. 

Anyway, I am happy to say that I am going away to the first two California shows on tour. I’m happy to be seeing my friends and to be sharing in our love of the boys. What I don’t love is the breakdown of what everything’s going to cost.

The old me would have never thought twice about this stuff and I would have blindly handed my credit card over. Since I’m a visual person, I’ve broken down the costs of what a BSB weekend away will cost. When you factor it all in, the amount spent is astounding! 


  • Flight to San Diego (a 1 way ticket because I had flight credit): $239.50 CAD
  • Flight back home (also 1 way ticket with flight credit): $7.10 CAD

Concert tickets:

  • Chula Vista: Like $265 USD? I had a perfectly good ticket at a cheaper price…then I decided to sell it. And then… I changed my mind about going. Can you say CLOWN???
  • Irvine: $406 USD. My initial ticket never sold so when I decided to go again, I still had it.

Hotel: Normally I book my own hotel and Rose just stays with me. This time, I’m staying with friends. I don’t know how much I owe yet but I foresee it being around $300 USD.

Transportation: This is to the airport, to the hotel, to the venue, wherever really: approximately $300 USD

Food and Drink: For a 4 day weekend, I’m expecting to spend at least $600 USD.

Clothing: $0. I’m actually not buying anything new for this trip. Planning on using clothes I already own. This is also a big thing for me, because I always go all out when it comes to buying clothes for tour. I probably would be spending money on a new outfit if I had purchased a meet and greet (so far I have managed to tell myself no and I’m sticking to it. Don’t know how good my resolve will be once I get there, but if you see me at meet and greet, just shut your mouth lol)

Pet care: Very rarely cared about this category when there was just 1 dog in my life. Now I’m looking at approximately $1200 CAD for a 4 night stay for them.

Other: This can vary because who knows what will happen! I might just bite the bullet and buy the dang meet and greet. I definitely wouldn’t be buying 2. At one time in my life, I definitely would have bought 2. At this point, I’m just hoping I don’t have to visit urgent care like I did the last time I was in California…that would be extra money to throw at this weekend even if I have great insurance through work.

Anyway, the point of this piece isn’t to show off or anything like that. Maybe you think that I am showing off and that’s absolutely fine. That’s a ‘you’ problem.

I just want you to be aware of how much a weekend away might really cost you when you factor it all in. Especially if you’re going to multiple places.

We are often blind as to what this shit really costs because we get caught up in the moment and forget all logic. Then we get our credit card bill and we cry a little.

But hey, if it’s worth it to you and you’ve been a good person who’s saved every penny in order to go, then good for you and I hope you have a wonderful time!

But it’s also to say that if you can’t afford a weekend away or go to multiple meet & greets or even go to one show, that’s fine too.

You’re no less of a fan!

Everyone has different priorities or life situations and at the end of the day, you’re the one who’s holding your purse strings and deciding what’s best for you.

I just know that for myself, I have to really slow down this lifestyle and think this shit through a little more.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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