Thoughts: As my @BackstreetBOys show comes near, I’m a bit nervous

by | Apr 10, 2022 | Backstreet Boys, Opinion, Rambling, Thoughts | 0 comments

As of right now, it has been 939 days since my last Backstreet Boys concert – September 14, 2019. That means I haven’t seen the Backstreet Boys in concert this decade, which is just hella weird to say. Never thought those words would leave my mouth, or fingertips since I’m writing.

I leave Friday morning to go to Las Vegas for the last two Vegas DNA shows with one of my BFFs, Mara. And I’m a little nervous.

Sure, this is the first time I’ve flown since COVID, which scares the shit out of me, but I’m just scared something is going to happen and I won’t see or meet the boys. I have these senses about these things. Maybe it’s just being nervous because I know as soon as they come down singing “Everyone,” I will probably cry.

Hell, I may cry seeing them at VIP because it has just been the most horrible two and a half years without them. Sure, there’s been contact with Looped calls or Nick’s Twitch sessions, even him wearing the hoodie I sent him all the time, but it’s just … emotional.

I’ve tried to explain my connection with the boys to multiple people who aren’t in the fandom and they just don’t understand. It’s not about them being hot or anything like that. It’s this weird connection to the music, to them singing, to the boys themselves, that brings out this happiness and calmness to me.

Even while watching videos of the shows from this weekend, I got chills because I forgot what that feeling was like – that feeling of pure happiness.

This weekend that happiness might be too much for me.

So if you see this redhead ugly crying, makeup smeared, etc., pay me no mind. It’s a good cry.

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