Watch “Easy” Nick Carter’s New Music Video Feat Jimmie Allen

by | Mar 31, 2022 | News, Nick Carter | 0 comments

The music video for Nick’s new single “Easy” featuring Jimmie Allen is finally here! The video features Nick and his family out in the Las Vegas desert riding dirt bikes, trucks and an RV. There is also a scene where they have a bonfire. Jimmie Allen’s family were included in the video as well.

Nick shared the video exclusively with People Magazine on March 28th and spoke about the video shoot. You can read the article at Meanwhile, ET Canada has behind the scenes photos and an interview.

Nick says his daughter, Soairse, rode on the dirt bike for four hours! “It was the first time she rode a dirt bike and she just didn’t want to get off.” Then there’s Odin, Nick’s oldest son, who kept eating all of the chocolate and marshmallows. “Odin, the little sugar monster, ate all the marshmallows and s’mores we had, so by the time we had to put him down for bed, he was crazy. He had lost it!”

Visit to read more about the video shoot and see the exclusive photos.

Photo credit: Nick Carter

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