New Backstreet Boys Fan Club to Launch March 24

by | Mar 8, 2022 | Backstreet Boys, News | 1 comment

In the last year, Backstreet Boys fans have noticed that there were no options to renew their BSB Fan Club memberships. The reason was that their official website was in the process of being updated. Fans constantly asked about it, but we had no other details. Recently, if you got an email for the Backstreet Boys DNA tour shows in Las Vegas, you may have noticed information regarding the Fan Club. The email stated that an all-new BSB online platform would be launching in March. The following information was in the email.

Stay tuned as the new BSB online platform launches in March 2022. As a current member, you will receive instructions on how to activate your profile on the new platform. We are excited to usher you into the new space with tons of new features, including:

Access to BSB ticket and VIP presales
Exclusive personal content from BSB
Access to all BSB Army Spaces where you can interact with other fans
Access to BSB Contests and Giveaways
Access to exclusive BSB Merchandise items

New details regarding the fan club were sent to fans yesterday, March 7th. The message stated that fans should save photos (especially their meet and greet photos), any blogs you have written, or content from the website. Fans will have until March 21st to do this.

Will all content be removed from the website and Fan Club? We’re not sure. For now, it appears that this is the only content that will be. So, it’s best to save what you want now.

On March 24th, the website will redirect to a brand new Fan Club. For fans interested in joining, you will receive details by email that same week.

What will change with the Fan Club? Besides what they detailed above, the Fan Club will have a new name to go along with it. For years it was always known as the Backstreet Boys Official Fan Club. The only time it had a different name was during the Never Gone era from 2005-2007. Fans could submit name suggestions. Weird World ended up being the name that they chose. The name only lasted during that time.

What will be the name of the Fan Club now? The BSB Army. It seems fitting, right? After all, it is what BSB has called their fans since the days of Black & Blue. Several years ago, Nick confirmed this name on Twitter when he asked what our name should be. Fans reminded him that they had referred to fans as the Backstreet Army or BSB Army in the past. Since then, the name has stuck. I feel it’s the perfect name for the Fan Club. It’s who we are and represents us.

As of right now, we do not have any other information. We will update you on more details as we hear about them. Either here on the website or through our social media. Get ready for a NEW Fan Club that we sure hope can be a place that fans will enjoy. A place where fans can connect with BSB and other fans. As well as offer more content than before.

Thanks to Sara at WHOTB for sharing the most recent information regarding the Fan Club.

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