Nick Carter’s Greatest Hits

by | Jan 28, 2022 | Music, Nick Carter, Top Lists | 0 comments

Here we are again, another trip around the sun and our favorite crypto-dabbling artist is another year older. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK! To celebrate your birthday, we are compiling our top 10 favorite songs from Nick’s solo career. I didn’t include any of the new material that is set to be released this year (I CAN’T WAIT FOR IT!), but all of the pre-HUMBL and NFT Nick albums were considered. When this new digital album drops, we will be all over that too!

Here’s my top 10!

10. I Will Wait: This song was the first single off the All American album, Nick’s 3rd solo album released in 2015. That album had more of a rock feel than his previous album. This song was a sweet ballad that really allowed Nick’s vocals to shine. And the video was a beautiful love story in the theme of the Notebook. Nick released this song while he was wrapping up Dancing with the Stars. We got a beautiful live performance of this single on the DWTS finale.

9. I Got You: Released from Nick’s first album, Now or Never, this song was one of Nick’s first singles. It is one of the few songs we still get to hear him sing occasionally from Now or Never. He has shared that although this song sounds like a traditional love song, it was actually written (by Max Martin and Rami Yacoub) about becoming a father. We know how Nick has grown into an amazing father. It’s no wonder this song holds a special place for him.

8. 19 in 99: The first single off All American, this song is just a fun throwback to the 90’s. There are some fun Backstreet references and the video even featured a cameo by another one of our favorite boys. I loved this one because it merged Nick’s older, more mature self, with that old school goofball many of us grew to love. The video is a clear example of that.

7. Do I Have to Cry for You: Off Now or Never, this was such a beatiful ballad. It was on repeat in my Walkman for weeks when it was released.  This single was co-written by Nick and had a heartfelt and heartbreaking video that went along with it. Gave us a chance to see a little of Nick’s acting skills in action.

6. Just The Two of Us: This one is off the Nick Carter/Jordan Knight collaboration Nick and Knight. While it’s not technically a solo song, it’s solo from his main group. This was a really fun project Nick did back in 2014. Honestly, I love pretty much this whole album, but this song was a standout for me. Most of the album was funky, upbeat dance type songs. I love this one especially because it just puts me in a good mood. 

5. Swet: This one was off of All American. It’s a stretch from the traditional love songs we were used to hearing from Nick and the boys and adds a sexy flare. I love the feel of the song and wish I had seen this performed live.

4. Scary Monster: This is the only song from the current times that I am including in my list. Mostly because I actually really love this song. I know that Nick has shared it was thrown together pretty quickly and was very specific to a certain brand and cause. But when you really listen to the lyrics, it is really relatable. Although on the surface this is about zombie’s and monsters, in my interpretation, those things represent some of the inner demons humans experience. I may be interpreting it completely wrong, but I kind of like that double meaning.

3. Burning Up: What I wouldn’t give to have had a chance to join in for this music video. Nick’s second album I’m Taking Off is currently my favorite of his solo albums. I have to admit, I’ve heard his new stuff, and the new album likely will supersede this one.  But there are some amazing bops on I’m Taking Off. Burning up is a club jam and I love it.  The video was filmed in Nashville and actually has fans in it as club goers. I so wish I could’ve made that call back!

2. Beautiful Lie: This one was technically a release off Jennifer Paige’s album, but Nick included it as a bonus track on I’m Taking Off in some regions of the world. I absolutely adore this song. It is hard in a weird way and Nick and Jennifer Paige compliment each other really well. Not gonna lie, I don’t totally get the video, but the song makes up for it. 

1. Falling Down: Hands down Nick’s best song to date.  I can’t get over how beautiful this song is and I hope he plays it in solo shows forever.  This one was also off I’m Taking Off.  Nick sings this with so much angst and emotion. It really is classic Nick with how he throws himself into everything he does. This one is no different and shows him off beautifully.

Happy Birthday Nick! Looking forward to adding more of your work to this list!

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