Nick Carter’s Newest Song “Scary Monster”

by | Oct 31, 2021 | Music, Nick Carter | 0 comments

Several days ago Nick was sent a tweet by Zombie Inu (NFT) about hearing he likes zombies like in his movie Dead 7 and to check out $ZINU. Nick got in contact with the people behind Zombie Inu and announced on Instagram that he would release a new song specifically for them. Nick teased the song by sharing a few clips days leading up to the release on Halloween. Zombie Inu released the song “Scary Monster” with a lyric video. Nick also mentioned the song will be available on other platforms soon. Check out the song and lyric video on YouTube.

November 8 update: Nick announced on Twitter that the song will be available on all streaming platforms November 12th. Read his tweets below.

You can officially stream/purchase the song on various digital platforms. CLICK HERE

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