Win tickets to see the After Party in Phoenix

by | Oct 18, 2021 | Contest, Nick Carter | 6 comments

From your friends here at BSBFangirls and The Darkside, we are giving away two (2) tickets to AFTR PARTY show on November 12, 2021 in Chandler, Arizona! Go see Nick Carter, Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick from Nsync, Wayna Morris and Shawn Stockman from Boyz II Men on us! 

You can enter by replying to our post or the post on The Darkside in the reply section below and let us know who you would take. AND you get one (1) additional entry if you ‘Like and Share’ this post (found at the bottom of this post) .

*You must follow @BSBFangirls, @TheDarkSideBSB and @IWillB4EvrRebel on Twitter in order to be eligible. We will be checking!!!

Good luck!

Official Contest/Sweepstakes rules:

*Two (2) tickets to be won for the AFTR Party at Gila River Hotel Casino- Wild Horse Pass Showroom in Chandler, Arizona on November 12, 2021. Tickets are in Section 101, Row D, Seat 3 and 4. Show time is at 8pm.

Tickets DO NOT provide travel or accommodations or consumption (i.e. food/drink). You must book those things yourself and they will not be provided for you! 

*Must be a resident of the US or Canada (including residents of Quebec!!!) in order to win. If you win and you’re from Canada, please note that you will need a valid passport, proof of full vaccination using the same vaccine and PCR test to enter and exit the United States via air travel. We can give you more information on that if you need once you win.

*Contest/Sweepstakes is open to all ages. However, if you win and are under 21; you must be accompanied by a ticketed guest that is 21 and over. This means that your guardian will probably have to be your guest or they will have to buy their own ticket separately in order to enter the venue if you’re bringing a friend who is also under 21.

*Winner will be advised by Twitter DM on November 5, 2021 by 5:00pm EST if they win. If you do not respond to your DM within 48 hours, we will pick a different winner.

**Winner will be picked by a Contest Winner Generator.

*We reserve the right to cancel or suspend the contest and modify the rules at any point before the actual event date.

*There will be no substitution or cash value will be given out should the AFTR party be cancelled or be postponed.

*This is for fun so please don’t sue us ☺

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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