Nick Carter Working on New Solo Music

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Music, News, Nick Carter | 0 comments

While we will have to wait another year for the Backstreet Boys Christmas album, we may hear solo music soon. Nick has been in the studios recently to write and record new music.

Last year we got one of his newer songs with the release of “80’s Movie”. Now we’re getting a chance to see what Nick’s been working on lately. On Tuesday, he took the time to play some songs during a live stream on Twitch. Nick also talks about the songs and even answers a few fan questions. He explained releasing one of his songs as an NFT (Non-fungible token).

Don’t worry if you missed it. The video is available to watch on Nick’s Twitch channel. Click here!

Nick may also be working with Bizzy from Bone Thugs ‘N Harmony. This was mentioned during his Twitch live stream and Instagram. View the post here.

During the past several days, Nick went live on his TikTok and Instagram as well. Should Nick share more from his studio sessions, make sure to follow him on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Twitch. His username is @nickcarter.

Below is one of the clips shared on his YouTube.

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