Emilia’s Writing Fallen Series on Wattpad

by | Sep 13, 2021 | Emilia's Writing, Writing | 0 comments

As you’ve probably noticed, BSBFangirls has a section on the website for fiction and novels. These books and stories are available for purchase or to read for free. It includes my work as well. My stories are available for free on Wattpad as I’ve never published anything. Having my work published is something I hope to accomplish one day.

For those of you who don’t know what Wattpad is, it’s a free platform for readers and writers to share their work. Think of the fan fiction sites that were around for Backstreet Boys fan fiction. Wattpad is similar to that but offers more than just fan fiction. You’ll find different genres of stories, original stories, and more. You’ll also find stories in different languages.

My current series, Fallen, is inspired by my love of music. You’ll see that once you read Fallen and get to know the two main characters. You’ll also notice that one of the characters is slightly inspired by Nick.

Writing this series has made me enjoy writing again. So, I hope you guys will enjoy read it as much I have writing it. I want to thank those of you who may have already read Fallen and left me feedback. I appreciated it.

Book one in the series, Fallen, was completed a year ago. I’m currently in the process of adding the second book, The Stars Between Us, to Wattpad. You can read both by visiting my page on Wattpad here. Don’t forget to follow me on Wattpad for updates as I continue to publish the sequel.

Book 1 – Fallen
Fallen follows the story of Lucia Francis. A young woman who has a love for music. She loves writing lyrics, playing the guitar and photography. Lucia is in a relationship with a boyfriend who has been abusive to her. She was tired of his abuse and wanted to escape it all. Until someone comes into her life. Changing everything.

Cole Danvers music’s hottest pop star had it all. Money, fame, platinum records, and a girlfriend he loved. One day he found out his girlfriend was using him for her chance to be famous. He felt he would never find a woman who would understand him and his life. Then he saw her. Her voice captivated him and he wanted to know more about her.

Book 2 – The Stars Between Us
The Stars Between Us continues Lucia’s story and in her own words. After getting married, Lucia got offered the opportunity to write about her life. Not wanting to fully dwell on her past, Lucia decided to write about her life with Cole. Including her pregnancy that she yet to tell Cole about. Neither knew what to expect now that Cole was on a break from his career. Nor would they know that life has a way of changing things for Lucia.

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