Bingo Under the Stars with Nick Carter, AJ McLean, Lance Bass and Joey Fatone

by | Jun 10, 2021 | AJ McLean, News, Nick Carter | 0 comments

Last week during a live stream on Instagram Nick Carter and Lance Bass hinted at doing something together that would be in support of the LGBTQ+ community and Pride month. Today Bingo Under the Stars was announced. Nick, AJ McLean, Lance Bass and Joey Fatone are hosting the event at The Grove in Los Angeles on June 18, 2021.

There will be 10 games of Bingo with prizes from retailers and restaurants. Other surprise guests are said to appear at the event as well. For those attending, Nick, AJ, Lance and Joey will perform some Backstreet Boys and *N Sync songs.

A special gift will be granted to The Trevor Project on behalf of the hosts’ involvement with Mission Tsuki. Plus a portion of the ticket sales will go to LA Pride. The event is currently sold out.

Nick spoke with Entertainment Tonight about the event.

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