Site Update: Etsy, Site, and More!

by | Jun 2, 2021 | Shop, Site News | 0 comments

Hey everybody! It’s been a bit since we’ve done a site update, well since we relaunched on the new server! So we just have a few little housekeeping things to bring up. 🙂


I’ve been adding new items to the shop pretty regularly, including some one-off T-shirts. I got an actual real T-shirt easy press machine so I’m much more comfortable in doing them. If you guys want custom shirts for any event, just holler at your girl here 🙂 You just need to shoot me a message!

I did end up sending Nick a BSB Army hoodie with the logo in camo vinyl as he requested because I can’t tell him no.


As you can probably tell, we changed the main header photo for the first time in over a year. I am SO ready for the Backstreet Boys to have a new photo shoot. COVID GO AWAY!

Emilia had some time away from doing things to deal with an health issue, but she is finishing up the huge biography and we will be adding some more things to the history section to make it the best that it can be.

I had a new post on Sunday and Aimes had a new post today – sorry they are both Nick-related. I mean, besides AJ, they are the only two doing anything really right now.

Don’t forget we have our first contest going on until June 15th!

What Is Old Is New

As some of you may have known, when I had the website at the previous host, I built a portfolio, but I was kinda upset I couldn’t add another blog for what I was paying for it. Hense why we moved. So I started bringing that portfolio stuff over to the site site and realized, hey, I’m going to use my old name,, and create a blog on there. Will it be updated a lot? Probably not, but whatever 🙂

Stay tuned for more – as the boys start to get busy again, so will we!

About Us

We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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